Email Us | Corsham: 01249 248392 | Swindon: 01793 978270
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We like many businesses use cookies to help us understand our customer base, and understanding our customer base means we can tailor our business, content and products to suit.
Google Analytics: A very common website tracking tool that is used by most businesses across the internet to see how their website is performing. This tool helps us see how much traffic our website receives, which pages are popular and how people journey around our website, helping us make improvements based on our customer habits. For more information see Google Analytics Website.
Google Ads: We advertise our website across the internet and we use cookies to help record potentially interested parties. If you have visited our website then you may see on a small number of selected websites a Carl Todd Clinics advert. For more information please see Google Ads website.
You can manage and disable cookies within your browser preferences and settings, alternatively, the Interactive Advertising Bureau has produced a guide which explains to users how cookies work, can be managed and blocked by all browser types.
Corsham Clinic: 01249 248392
Swindon Clinic: 01793 978270
Carl Todd Clinics is the trading name of Aesculapia Limited. Registered office: 10 Weller road Corsham, SN13 0AL
Carl Todd Clinic
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