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Osteopathy For Your Business

Back pain affects most people at one time or another. In the UK, it is the leading single reported cause of absence from work, accounting for 40% of sickness absence in the NHS and overall it costs £10 billion for the UK economy. 

Back pain is not always caused by trauma

Almost half the adult population report low back pain lasting for at least a day each year, and it’s estimated that up to 80% will experience back pain lasting more than a day at some point during their life.

Back pain is most common in people with skilled manual, partly skilled or unskilled jobs. Many jobs can cause back problems without involving any form of traumatic injury.


Jobs that can cause back pain (but not limited to)

People with severe, persistent low back pain or chronic repetitive strain injury may complain of continuous pain if not treated promptly and effectively. This is likely to lead to time off work, which – if it continues – may result in dismissal.

  • Driving a vehicle or train, or operating a piece of machinery such as a crane or bulldozer
  • Work involving intensive use of the telephone without a headset
  • Computer-based work
  • Supermarket cashiers

How we can help

The osteopathic care we provide can lead to a fitter workforce with improved morale, which in turn helps to increase productivity and reduce time off due to ill health.

Our treatment programmes can also lessen the degree of work-related pain people experience, and reduce the number of instances of disability, stress, tension and depression.

We work with companies of all sizes, but in larger businesses, such as at Honda in Swindon, we are often retained as a part of the company’s medical team.

Osteopathy FAQ's

Yes. Treatment modalities involve non-invasive and gentle approaches to health. They have proven to be remarkably safe, relying on relaxed movements, mobilisation and manipulation of joints along with soft tissue massage. No surgery or drugs are involved. We will explain the possible risks of treatment and discuss any worries you have before beginning your personalised treatment programme You can be reassured that osteopathic care has helped millions of people over many years.

This will depend on your individual problem and how long you’ve had it. Of course, every patient reacts differently, but we will be able to advise you on your likely recovery time. Your obvious commitment to the suggested treatment programme, including home exercises and any lifestyle alterations will also determine your progress and your long term benefits from our care.
In most cases you will feel a definite change for the better early on in your treatment plan. In general though, the longer you’ve had the problem or pain, the longer it will take to get it sorted.
No, the treatment isn’t painful when performed by our qualified professionals. If your problem has been untreated for a while, you may experience some post-treatment soreness for up to 48 hours. This will soon pass as your body begins to adapt. But don’t worry – we’ll explain how to keep symptoms to a minimum.

Osteopathy can be used to treat

Unsure if Osteopathy is right for you? Get in touch using the form or call one of our clinics to speak with us

Corsham Clinic: 01249 248392
Swindon Clinic:  01793 978270
Melksham Clinic: 01225 704883
London Clinic: 0207 315 4262

How can we help?